Table of Contents
NEPA, the Law
CEQ Regulations
Section 1501.2 Apply NEPA early in the process
Section 1501.3 When to prepare an environmental assessment
Section 1501.4 Whether to prepare an environmental impact statement
Section 1502.3 Statutory requirements for statements
Section 1502.4 Major Federal actions requiring the preparation of environmental impact statements
Section 1502.6 Interdisciplinary preparation
Section 1502.9 Draft, final, and supplemental statements
Section 1502.10 Recommended format
Section 1502.13 Purpose and need
Section 1502.14 Alternatives including the proposed action
Section 1502.15 Affected environment
Section 1502.16 Environmental consequences
Section 1502.17 List of preparers
Section 1502.19 Circulation of the environmental impact statement
Section 1502.21 Incorporation by reference
Section 1502.22 Incomplete or unavailable information
Section 1502.23 Cost-benefit analysis
Section 1502.24 Methodology and scientific accuracy
Section 1502.25 Environmental review and consultation requirements
Section 1503.1 Inviting comments
Section 1503.2 Duty to comment
Section 1505.1 Agency decision-making procedures
Section 1505.2 Record of decision in cases requiring environmental impact statements
Section 1506.1 Limitations on actions during NEPA process
Section 1506.2 Elimination of duplication with State and local procedures
Section 1506.4 Combining documents
Section 1506.5 Agency responsibility
Section 1506.6 Public involvement
Section 1506.7 Further guidance
Section 1506.8 Proposals for legislation
Section 1506.9 Filing requirements
Section 1508.4 Categorical Exclusion
Section 1508.5 Cooperating agency
Section 1508.7 Cumulative impact
Section 1508.9 Environmental assessment
Section 1508.10 Environmental document
Section 1508.11 Environmental impact statement
Section 1508.12 Federal agency
Section 1508.13 Finding of no significant impact
Section 1508.14 Human Environment
Section 1508.15 Jurisdiction by law
Section 1508.18 Major Federal action
Section 1508.22 Notice of intent
Section 1508.24 Referring agency